Canada Entrepreneur Immigration

Canada's Gateway for Entrepreneurs:

The Business Startup
Visa Program

Qualities of a successful entrepreneur in Canada go beyond mere business acumen; they encompass a leader's temperament, a creator's desire, the resilience to embrace risks, and the capacity for hard work.

Add to this the ability to foresee challenges, solve problems creatively, communicate effectively, and adapt swiftly to new situations, and you have the ideal candidate for Canada's entrepreneurial landscape.

The Canada Business Startup Visa Program stands out globally, offering a chance for immigrant entrepreneurs to lay down permanent roots in Canada while bringing their entrepreneurial dreams to life.

This program is more than an immigration pathway—it's a launchpad for innovative businesses that are poised to make a significant impact on Canada's economy and job market.

the Canada Business Start-Up Visa Program is designed with precision to attract individuals who can address specific economic challenges.

Canada's Invitation to Innovative Entrepreneurs

Research within Canada suggests that immigrants are a boon to the nation's economic prosperity. They bring specialized qualifications that fill crucial gaps in the workforce, inject youthful vigor, and drive innovation forward. This influx of talent and fresh perspectives is crucial for Canada, as it seeks to maintain a dynamic and competitive edge on the global stage.

In addition, immigrant entrepreneurs make direct contributions by creating new businesses and creating jobs. Job creation is essential for economic growth, and a growing number of international studies are examining immigrant entrepreneurship to determine the factors that influence immigrant entrepreneurship and the success of immigrant-owned businesses.

Navigating Your Application for the Canada Business Start-Up Visa Program

To carve your path through Canada's Business Start-Up Visa Program, here’s what you need to be prepared with:


Program-Compatible Business

First off, have a business idea that's not just innovative but also aligns with the program's requirements.


Support Letter

You'll need a nod from a designated Canadian organization, proving they believe in your business vision.


Financial Readiness

Ensure you have sufficient funds to support your settlement in Canada as you kickstart your business.


Language Proficiency

Fluent command over either of Canada's official languages, French or English, is crucial. You should be able to communicate almost perfectly.


Defining an 'Eligible Business'

An eligible business under this program means you've crossed the following milestones:


Backing by a Canadian Entity

Your business has gained the confidence of a designated Canadian organization willing to invest in or support your business venture.


Equity Ownership

You hold at least 10% of the voting rights in the business. Together with up to four other applicants, you can co-own the business, provided you all jointly control more than 50% of the voting rights.


Further Criteria Post-Permanent Residency:


Management and Operations

Once you're a permanent resident, you're expected to manage your business actively and continuously within Canada, ensuring it's not just operational but thriving.


Business Operations

A significant portion of your business activities must unfold within Canadian borders, contributing to the local economy.



The business must be legally incorporated in Canada, establishing its legitimacy and commitment to contributing to the Canadian economy.

How to obtain a letter of support from a designated organization?

Gaining a letter of support from a designated organization is a crucial step for entrepreneurs aiming to embark on their business journey in Canada through the Business Start-Up Visa Program.

Initially, candidates must reach out and effectively communicate their business proposition to a designated organization, proving it's a venture worth backing.

Success in this endeavor results in receiving a letter of support, a vital piece of evidence showcasing the organization's commitment to the entrepreneur's business idea.

Along with this letter, the organization sends a certificate of commitment to the Canadian government, which are both key documents used in evaluating the business's potential impact and the entrepreneur's visa application.

Furthermore, during the waiting period for the processing of their permanent residency application, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to apply for a temporary work permit, allowing them to lay the groundwork for their business in Canada.

Turn Your Business Vision into Reality in Canada

If you're an entrepreneur dreaming of launching an innovative business in Canada, the Start-Up Visa Program could be your gateway. With dedicated support, a welcoming economy, and access to a vibrant entrepreneurial community, Canada is the perfect place to grow your business.

Agri-Food Immigration Pilot

From Farm to Future

The Agri-Food Immigration Pilot calls to those who have a passion for agriculture and food production. This program ensures that the backbone of Canada's food supply chain—its workers—are recognized and rewarded with the chance for a permanent home in Canada.


Everything You Need to Know About Work Permits

What is the Canada Business Start-Up Visa Program?

It's a unique program designed for entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build innovative businesses in Canada that can create jobs for Canadians and compete on a global scale.

How do I obtain a letter of support from a designated organization?

You need to pitch your business idea to one of the designated organizations listed by the Canadian government. If they believe in your idea, they will issue a letter of support essential for your application.

What are the main criteria for my business to qualify for this program?

Your business must be innovative, create jobs for Canadians, and have the potential to compete internationally. Additionally, you must own a significant portion of the business and actively manage it within Canada.

Can I apply for a temporary work permit while my application is being processed?

Yes, applicants awaiting their permanent residence decision can apply for a temporary work permit to start building their business in Canada.