Elevate Your Professional Life

in Canada with PGWP

This pathway offers international students who have completed their post-secondary education at a Canadian Designated Learning Institution (DLI) a golden opportunity to gain valuable work experience in Canada.

Whether you've just turned the page on your academic chapter or are looking to expand your professional horizons, the PGWP serves as your bridge to a vibrant career in Canada.

Your Way to a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)

The PGWP is a fantastic opportunity for graduates like you. Here's what you need to know to see if you're on track for this exciting next step:


Choose the Right Program:

PGWP eligibility doesn't extend to all programs, particularly those from private colleges with agreements from public institutions in other provinces. If you enrolled or applied by January 31, 2023, you're covered during this transition.


One-Time Opportunity

It's crucial to remember that the Post-Graduation Work Permit is a unique opportunity, available just once. This makes it vital to carefully plan your career journey, ensuring that this one-time permit aligns perfectly with your goals.


Status Matters

You'll need to be in Canada with valid temporary status or have already returned home. Plus, graduating from an eligible Designated Learning Institution (DLI) is key.


Program Requirements

Your study program must be at least 8 months long and have led to a degree, diploma, or certificate. Keeping up full-time status during your studies is crucial, except for any approved leaves or your final academic session.


Final Steps to Completion

An official transcript and a letter from your DLI confirming you've completed your program are your golden tickets. Don't forget to include them in your application.


Timing is Everything

Whether you're holding a study permit, held one, or were allowed to study without one, make sure to apply within 180 days after receiving your program completion confirmation. They are usually issued for the length of the term of study to a maximum of 3 years.

Take Our Free Eligibility Assessment Today!

Discover how close you are to bringing your loved ones together in Canada. It’s quick, easy, and could be the start of a new chapter for your family.

Ready to Transition from Study to Work in Canada?

The Post-Graduation Work Permit is your gateway to gaining invaluable Canadian work experience, enhancing your career prospects.

If you've recently graduated or are about to, now is the time to explore how a PGWP can serve as a bridge to a promising future in Canada's dynamic job market.


Everything You Need to Know About Study Permits

What makes me eligible for a PGWP?

Eligibility hinges on completing a study program at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada that lasted at least 8 months. You must apply within 180 days of receiving your final marks, ensuring you have either a valid study permit or were authorized to study without one.

How long can my PGWP last?

The length of your PGWP can vary from 8 months to a maximum of 3 years, depending on the duration of your study program.

Can I work anywhere in Canada with a PGWP?

Yes, a PGWP allows you to work for any employer in Canada, across any province or territory, giving you the flexibility to explore various career paths and industries.

What if I studied part-time or took a break from my studies?

Maintaining full-time status during each academic session is crucial for PGWP eligibility, with allowances made only for your final academic session or approved leaves from studies.