Business Visa

Connecting Globally:

Canada's Business
Visitor Visa

Open Doors to Business Opportunities in Canada

Canada's Business Visitor Visa offers a streamlined gateway for professionals around the globe seeking to engage with the Canadian business landscape.

Navigate the realm of international business with ease and make your mark in the Great White North.

Whether you're forging new partnerships, expanding your professional network, or gaining insights into your industry within a Canadian context, this visa ensures you're well-placed to capitalize on opportunities while experiencing the welcoming and diverse business environment Canada is known for.

Tailored for individuals attending meetings, conferences,
or business events,

this temporary travel permit facilitates short-term visits, allowing you to explore and partake in Canada's vibrant economic activities without lengthy stays.

Streamlined Eligibility for Canada's Business Visitor Visa

To be eligible for a Business Visitor Visa to Canada, applicants must fulfill specific conditions ensuring their visit is for business engagements only, without entering the Canadian job market:


Duration of Stay

Your visit must be brief, not exceeding six months, to qualify as a business visitor.


Labor Market Non-Entry

The core requirement is that there’s no intention to engage in direct employment within Canada. This is demonstrated by keeping the primary business location and financial earnings outside of Canada.



Providing relevant supporting documents is critical to validate the business nature of the visit.


Basic Entry Requirements

Essential travel documents like a valid passport, adequate funds for the duration of the stay and the return journey, and a clear plan to leave Canada after your visit are mandatory.


Risk Assessment

Ensuring you pose no criminal, security, or health threats is crucial for entry approval.


Beyond Business Visits

Should your visit evolve into employment or extend past six months, you'll transition into the temporary worker category, requiring a work permit.

How to Apply for a
Business Visitor Visa to Canada


Understand the Visa Type

Recognize that there's no distinct "business visitor visa"; applicants should apply for a standard visitor visa (Temporary Resident Visa or TRV) and specify the purpose is for international business activities.

Application Process

Follow the general application steps for a visitor visa, which includes completing the required forms and gathering necessary documents.



Purpose of Visit

Clearly indicate on your application that your visit to Canada is for business purposes, detailing the nature of your business activities.

Traveling with Family

Family members accompanying you must apply for their visitor visas separately.



Visa-Exempt Travelers

If you're from a visa-exempt country, you might not need a visitor visa but could require an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) if arriving by air.

Proof of Business Activities

Be prepared to present evidence of your business activities to border services officers upon arrival, such as invitations from Canadian companies, conference registrations, or business meeting schedules.


The difference between Business Visitor vs Work Permit

Understanding the distinction between a Business Visitor Visa and a Work Permit is essential for navigating Canada's immigration policies.

A Business Visitor Visa permits short-term visits for participating in business activities like conferences or site visits but prohibits employment in Canada. Conversely, a Work Permit is required for anyone planning to work in Canada, whether transferred by an existing employer or hired by a Canadian company.

If on a visitor visa you find employment, you must secure a Work Permit before starting your job, possibly requiring you to apply from outside Canada, although you may stay in Canada for the duration of your visitor visa's validity.

Canada's Welcoming Arms for Global Entrepreneurs

Canada stands as a fertile ground for international entrepreneurs and investors, offering a suite of programs designed to bolster its economic landscape:


Provincial Entrepreneur Programs

Targeting economic immigrants, Canada places a significant emphasis on attracting entrepreneurs and business individuals through tailored provincial initiatives.


Self-Employed Program

This program caters specifically to individuals looking to bring their self-employment ventures to Canadian soil, promoting diverse business activities.


Investor Visa

Canada aims to fortify its economy by inviting talented new talent and foreign investors through a variety of Entrepreneur, Investor Visa options, and Provincial Nominee Programs.


Entrepreneur Visa

Revamping its approach to entrepreneurship, Canada now encourages foreign entrepreneurs and investors to start or invest in businesses across the provinces with specialized programs.


Business Visitor Visa

Beyond permanent residency pathways, Canada opens doors for business visitors to engage in temporary economic activities, contributing to the country’s growth.

U.S. EB Visa Programs


Catering to the demand for unskilled labor in the U.S., the EB-3 Immigrant Visa Program offers a valuable opportunity for eligible individuals to work and live in the U.S.



The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program stands as a direct route for global investors to obtain a green card, promoting investment and residency in the United States.

Maximizing Your Canadian Business Visit

A Canadian Business Visitor Visa not only allows for nationwide travel and business engagement but also enriches your trip with cultural and personal experiences. With it, professionals can engage in a variety of activities: from exploring Canada's attractions and connecting with loved ones to conducting business transactions, attending pivotal industry events, and training or being trained by Canadian branches.

The processing time can vary from one to six weeks, depending on the embassy. For extended stays or more in-depth business involvement, securing a temporary resident visa is essential. This visa harmoniously blends professional objectives with the exploration of Canada's rich landscapes and cultural tapestry, fostering both business growth and personal enrichment.

Embark on Your Canadian Business Journey Today

Unlock the door to new opportunities and expand your business horizons with Canada's Business Visitor Visa. Whether you're looking to forge international partnerships, explore new markets, or engage with global thought leaders, Canada welcomes you.

Don't let logistical hurdles hold you back. Reach out today, and take the first step towards expanding your business footprint in Canada.

Canada Entrepreneur Immigration

Chart Your Business Course in Canada

The Canada Entrepreneur Immigration program is calling all visionary entrepreneurs ready to make their mark. This program is designed for go-getters looking to innovate, create jobs, and contribute to Canada’s thriving economy. Discover how your entrepreneurial spirit can find a home and a horizon in Canada, where every dream has the potential to grow big.


Everything You Need to Know about the Business Visitor Visa

What is a Business Visitor Visa in Canada?

It's a temporary visa allowing international business individuals to engage in activities such as meetings, conferences, and events related to their business, without entering the Canadian labor market.

Can I bring my family with me on a Business Visitor Visa?

Yes, family members can accompany you, but each must submit their own visitor visa application.

How long can I stay in Canada on a Business Visitor Visa?

Typically, you can stay up to 6 months. The exact duration of your stay will be determined by the border services officer upon entry.

Do I need a special visa as a business visitor?

No, business visitors apply through the standard visitor visa process but must specify their purpose is business-related and meet all required criteria.

What proof do I need to provide for a Business Visitor Visa?

Applicants need to provide evidence of their business activities, a letter of invitation from a Canadian company, proof of financial stability, and ensure they meet all standard entry requirements for Canada.

Are some business visitors exempt from requiring a visa?

Visitors from visa-exempt countries do not need a visitor visa but might need an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) if arriving by air.