Who's an RCIC?

Increase Your Immigration Chances

with Certified RCICs
in Canada

Choosing to move countries is a pivotal moment in one's life, where precision and accuracy in every step are crucial, given the impact on your future.

This underscores the importance of partnering with a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) right from the beginning of your immigration journey.

An RCIC is a professional who has been vetted and authorized to offer immigration advice and services and is a registered member of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC). These certified RCIC experts are tasked with representing you, assessing your situation, and managing the submission of your Permanent Residency (PR) application in Canada, ensuring your application process is handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

Why Choose a Verified RCIC?

RCICs in Canada and around the world help by:

Guiding you through immigration and citizenship pathways.

Identifying the most suitable program for your needs.

Completing and filing your application for immigration or citizenship.

Acting as your liaison with the Government of Canada.

Serving as your advocate in any immigration or citizenship proceedings.*

*To represent you before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, an RCIC needs to hold an RCIC-IRB class of license.


Becoming an RCIC requires strict adherence to detailed regulations, making only those with profound knowledge and understanding eligible for guiding you through the immigration journey.

This intensive process ensures consultants are well-equipped to manage consultations, documentation, and submissions with expert precision. It's vital to ensure any RCIC consultant you work with is fully licensed and authorized.



Since 2004, immigration advisors must undergo a certified program to qualify as agents in Canada, highlighting the importance of working with recognized professionals. Unauthorized agents lead to the immediate rejection of applications by IRCC.

Start on your immigration journey with the insight and guidance of an RCIC

Understanding what an RCIC does and how they can be your advocate is crucial. Let us show you how partnering with an RCIC like Angela NGO can make all the difference in your path to living in Canada.