
Canada’s Gateway for Official Visits

Facilitating International Relations with Diplomatic, Official, and Courtesy Visas

Canada acknowledges the unique status of foreign officials through Diplomatic, Official, and Courtesy Visas.

These visas serve as Canada's formal consent for official visits, a crucial aspect under both international and domestic laws for granting specific privileges, immunities, or courtesies upon arrival.

It's essential to note that the type of passport held by a foreign national, be it diplomatic, official, or of a similar nature, primarily serves as a travel document.

The specific visa granted does not solely depend on the type of passport but involves a comprehensive evaluation of the visit's purpose within the scope of diplomatic and official engagements.

While diplomatic visa holders generally enjoy exemption from standard immigration and customs inspections, security checks at Canadian airports remain a mandatory procedure to ensure safety and compliance.

Who is entitled to diplomatic, official and courtesy visas?

Diplomatic visas

The following official U.S. government personnel assigned to temporary postings in Canada are not issued diplomatic or official acceptances in Canada and are therefore not eligible for diplomatic visas:

Heads of state or members of organizations entrusted with head-of-state duties and their accompanying family members;
Heads of government and their accompanying family members, and cabinet ministers of foreign governments;
Diplomatic agents traveling to or from their diplomatic missions or on a temporary mission to Canada;
Career consular officers traveling to or from their consular posts or on a temporary mission to Canada;
Delegates to the international organizations listed in the Temporary Foreign Worker Guidelines including delegates to conferences convened by the latter, with the exception of clerical staff;
Senior officials (Secretary General, Assistant Secretaries General, and holders of equivalent positions, such as President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization) of the international organizations listed in the Temporary Foreign Worker Guidelines;
Senior officers (appointed at the P-4 level and above) of the Secretariat of the I.C.A.O.;
Persons (spouse, father, mother, children) who are recognized as members of the family forming part of the household of either diplomatic agents traveling to or from their diplomatic missions or on a temporary mission to Canada, or of senior officers of the Secretariat of the International Civil Aviation Organization;
Foreign diplomatic couriers; and Special cases, on authorization from Headquarters (Diplomatic Corps Services (XDC)).

U.S. government officials

The following official U.S. government personnel assigned to temporary postings in Canada are not issued diplomatic or official acceptances in Canada and are therefore not eligible for diplomatic visas:

Department of Homeland Security officers;
International Joint Commission employees;
U.S. Customs officers;
Inspectors with the Federal Grain Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture and other U.S. government officials in possession of official U.S. government passports and assigned to temporary postings in Canada.

Official visas

Official visas may be granted to persons entitled, under international and domestic law, to official (functional) privileges and immunities, who intend to travel to, or to pass through, Canada for an official purpose and who come within one of the following categories:

Members of the administrative and technical staff of diplomatic missions or international organizations; consular staff of consular posts; and service staff of diplomatic missions and consular posts in Canada;
Other officials or experts on mission, acting on behalf of the international organizations listed in the Temporary Foreign Worker Guidelines, or contractual employees such as translators hired by the United Nations Organization or the International Civil Aviation Organization for their assemblies;
Officials who hold a diplomatic, official or similar passport, invited by the Government of Canada or a provincial or territorial government for meetings in Canada;
Persons (spouse, father, mother, children) who are recognized as members of the family forming part of the household of persons listed in section (1) above and of "other officials" indicated in section (2) above;
Private servants of a member of a diplomatic mission or a consular post, but only after a Household Domestic Worker Employment Agreement (refer to the Temporary Foreign Worker Guidelines) has been submitted by the employer to the diplomatic mission or the consular post or GAC Protocol (XDC);
Special cases, on authorization from GAC, Protocol (XDC).

Courtesy visas

Official visas may be granted to persons entitled, under international and domestic law, to official (functional) privileges and immunities, who intend to travel to, or to pass through, Canada for an official purpose and who come within one of the following categories:

Members of the administrative and technical staff of diplomatic missions or international organizations.
Consular staff and service staff of diplomatic missions and consular posts.
Officials or experts on mission for international organizations.
Officials holding diplomatic, official, or similar passports invited by Canadian governmental bodies.
Recognized family members of eligible individuals.
Private servants with a valid employment agreement.
Special cases authorized by GAC Protocol (XDC).
diplomatic visa

Simplified Visa Application Requirements for Diplomatic and Official Entries

Issuance of a diplomatic or official visa hinges on the reception of a formal request through specific channels.

Eligible requests can come from multiple authoritative sources, including:


State Ministries

A formal petition from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the state where the mission head or post is accredited, covering visa jurisdiction.


Diplomatic or Consular Missions

Requests made by the diplomatic mission or consular post of the applicant's nationality state.


International Organizations

Official requests by recognized international organizations, concerning their officials on duty travel to Canada.


International Civil Aviation Organization Employment

For individuals aiming to join the ICAO as officers, an employment offer letter from the organization, detailing the official role and level, authenticated by the Secretary General or their delegate, is required.

Embark on Your Official Mission to Canada with Confidence

For distinguished diplomats and officials preparing for duty in Canada, ensuring your travel documents are in order is paramount. Our dedicated team is here to facilitate your Diplomatic Visa application process, ensuring you meet all criteria and documentation requirements for a seamless entry into Canada.

Whether you're attending to official state matters, representing your country in international organizations, or participating in global conferences, let us assist you in navigating the visa application process efficiently.

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Everything You Need to Know about
the Canadian Diplomatic Visa

Who can apply for a Diplomatic Visa to Canada?

Individuals traveling to Canada on official duties, representing foreign states, international organizations, or appointed to work with organizations like the International Civil Aviation Organization, are eligible.

Are Diplomatic Visa holders subject to security checks in Canada?

Yes, while generally exempt from immigration and customs inspections, holders are subject to mandatory security checks at Canadian airports.

What documents are required for a Diplomatic Visa application?

Applications require a formal request from relevant authorities, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the applicant's state diplomatic or consular missions, or an international organization recognized by Canada.

Does possessing a diplomatic passport automatically grant a Diplomatic Visa?

No, a diplomatic or similar passport is a travel document and does not determine visa type. The visa depends on the purpose of visit and official requests from appropriate authorities.